
To carry out the structural analysis of a zip-line tower.


PRECICAD’s mandate was to analyze the structure of a zip-line tower using finite element simulation software to predict the structure’s behaviour, suggest modifications where necessary and ensure the tower’s safety before building it.




  • Numerical Simulation

A client wanted to build a zip-line tower. As is the case for all projects of this nature, he is responsible for ensuring the safety of the zip-line’s users.


He chose to entrust PRECICAD engineers with the task of carrying out the verifications required to ensure good structural behaviour.

Initial steps

PRECICAD worked with the client to gather all useful information so that they could create a finite element model of the zip-line. This information included, in particular, a representation of the zip-line to simulate, materials used, loads involved, safety requirements, conditions for building the structure and all other data that the engineer may deem important.

Creating the model

The analyst then created a finite element model of the zip-line. This model was then solved using the appropriate method for the product in question. 

PRECICAD has a wide range of digital tools available, allowing an approach adapted to each type of problem.

Analysic of results

A number of verifications were carried out to ensure that the finite element model’s behaviour corresponds to the zip-line’s actual behaviour. Once the verifications were completed, the results were analyzed.

Improvement upon original concept

Based on the results, modifications were recommended to the client in order to obtain the required safety features, reduce the weight of certain components, reduce the transport capacity required and facilitate building.


A second analysis was carried out on a modified model. The model’s details and results were written in a report that was sent to the client.


The following figures give an indication of a modification that can be made to the zip-line’s structure to ensure the optimal use of materials.


Based on Précidad’s recommendations, the client was able to update his 3D model to produce manufacturing drawings and build the tower.


The following are images of the installed tower.